Error when training segmentation model

Hi Teklia team,

I have tried to train a segmentation model with a dataset that consists of 57 images with annotation imported from PageXML files. I have already succeeded in using this dataset for the training of a transcription model, but I also want to train a segmentation model (as it seems that this is necessary to use the transcription model). When I start a training process with the most recent Yolo Training worker, however, the process fails. This is the error message I have received (I have tried again a couple of times and it seems to always be the same error):

Could you help me figure out what went wrong?

Kind regards,

Hi @marthelamote,

Your process includes a training worker for a YOLO classifier. You need to select the Training worker for YOLO segmenter instead.

I checked a few pages of your dataset and I noticed that the hierarchy on your pages is as follows:

  • Page
  • Text zone
  • Text line

The current version of the training worker does not allow training on sub-elements (the text_line in your case). This is something that we would like to support in the future though, so it might be introduced later this year.

Best regards,

Yoann Schneider