Error between Arkindex and Callico

Hi @Teklia,

As part of the link between callico and Arkindex (, i have this error :

Can you give me more information to help me to configure this link ?

thanks in advance,


PS : I use to contact this endpoint (and this url is not publish on internet)

Hello Julien,

Could you provide me with the Arkindex corpus ID you’re trying to load ?

I think the ICRC data are on instance (and not

I looked a bit more closely and actually found your corpus on (ID bda6ab9e-22f7-...)

I reproduce the issue you are facing when trying to import the whole corpus into a new empty Callico project (the arkindex instance is unable to list all the elements, even with a pagination, as the project is large).

Limiting the import to page + text line does seem to help a bit.

What are your goals for that import ? Importing every annotation produced by Machine Learning to validate them ?

Hello Bastien,

yes exactly, my goal is to import all annotations to validate them.

If i can divide my import, it will be ok, can you give some advices ? have you any procedures to perform this operation ?

Have a nice day, Julien