Arkindex-cli : OperationalError: no such column: t1.worker_version_id

Hi Teklia,

I try to generate a PDF with text layer using arkindex-cli export, but I got this error :

arkindex export my-project-20240916-144155.sqlite pdf --folder-ids 9a9bbf28-068a-6f8f-8fde-cc459a591a1d
OperationalError: no such column: t1.worker_version_id

when using arkindex-cli installed with arkindex-cli · PyPI

Any idea why ?

Thank you,


Hello jean,

This bug has been fixed recently, you can install the current non-published on Pypi version from Arkindex / Command Line Interface · GitLab

We’ll ship shortly a new release so you can use pip install to fix it.

Hi Bastien,

thank you for the link to the git repository. The installation works but I have a problem when installing extras from the cloned repository:

pip install -e ‘.[extras]’
WARNING: arkindex-cli 0.4.5a1 does not provide the extra ‘extras’

needed to export in PDF

AssertionError: Missing PDF export dependencies. Run pip install arkindex-cli[export] to install them.


my bad, it works with

pip install -e ‘.[export]’


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