Hi everyone,
I’m trying to import images in my project, but the same error message appears “Request failed with status code 400”, and it’s written also I don’t have access to “use default farm”…
What can I do to solve it ?
I give you a screenshot to make it clearer:
Thank you very much,
September 3, 2024, 10:14am
Hello Zacharie,
I just promoted both your accounts on demo.arkindex.org to a group with some compute resources.
You should now be able to start the import.
Hello Bastien,
Thank you for your answer. I forgot to say that this problem is on my Arkindex.teklia.com account (where it’s still).
The demo.arkindex one is from my 1st try, before I contact Mr. Kermorvant.
September 3, 2024, 4:08pm
Sorry about the confusion, I did not know you had access to that instance.
You should be good to go on arkindex.teklia.com now
Hello Bastien,
It works perfectly now, thank you very much !
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